OAuth with Coldfusion (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google)


Today I was given the task of implementing signup/login for one of our sites via social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc).

Signup/login via social media is becoming popular for most sites. Some sites even only provide logging into their sites via social media.

Why use social media signup/login?

  • most people already have an account to a popular social media site
    • signing up/logging in is a breeze since they don’t need to fill out registration forms
  • you can pull information from their account
    • depending on how much info you request and how much they authorize, you can get a lot of info about them and this can be really beneficial
  • reduced spam
    • you don’t have to worry about this as much since social media sites already handle this for you

Now that we know why we should include social media login to our sites, let’s talk about how to implement it in ColdFusion.

Ray Camden, one of the ColdFusion gurus, has an amazing article on how to implement OAuth authentication with the big three social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google).

His step by step instructions are clear and easy to follow. I was able to set up OAuth with my site pretty quickly and I encourage you check them out!

OAuth with Facebook

OAuth with LinkedIn

OAuth with Google


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